19:14:03 From FM Bug to Everyone: Welcome everyone! 19:20:37 From FM Bug to Cris Ippolite(direct message): Hi Cris. Thanks for coming along tonight. 19:22:41 From Cris Ippolite to FM Bug(direct message): Reacted to "Hi Cris. Thanks for ..." with 👍 19:23:41 From Ara Martirossian to Everyone: Hi everyone 19:25:41 From John Renfrew to Everyone: https://www.72solutions.eu/vienna-calling/ 19:31:04 From FM Bug to Beatrice Beaubien(direct message): Hi Beqtrice - Welcome to FMBug! I lice in Brighton. Every now and then we have a local FMBug, to which you would be very welcome. A bit of FM talk chat, demos etc, then out for a meal is the usual way it works. Let me know if you’d be interested. 19:33:04 From Beatrice Beaubien to FM Bug(direct message): Hi! I would love to join you, but I moved from Brighton a few years ago. I’m now in Toronto, Canada. Still - good to be there, if just virtually. 19:34:12 From Beatrice Beaubien to FM Bug(direct message): Reacted to "Hi Beqtrice - Welcom..." with 👍🏻 19:34:36 From FM Bug to Beatrice Beaubien(direct message): Ah well, if you ever happen to find yourself back here! But it would be good to have a video link with you at the next local one if you’d be up for that? 19:35:42 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Addressed issues - https://help.claris.com/en/pro-release-notes/content/index.html Soliant - OnWindowTransaction Best Practices - https://www.soliantconsulting.com/uncategorized/filemaker-onwindowtransaction-best-practices/ Proof + Geist - Revert Transaction is now supported in subscripts! - https://www.proofgeist.com/blog/2024/06/04/revert-transaction-is-now-supported-in-subscripts/ And the Claris Engineering Blog post - Reverting transactions in sub-scripts with FileMaker 2024 - https://community.claris.com/en/s/article/Reverting-transactions-in-sub-scripts-with-FileMaker-2024 19:35:51 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Filemakerhacks - Fast Summaries to JSON, part 2 - https://filemakerhacks.com/2024/09/04/fast-summaries-to-json-part-2/ Ian Jempson  - A Deep Dive into FileMaker 2024’s new Semantic Search Functionality -https://medium.com/transforming-digital/a-deep-dive-into-filemaker-2024s-new-semantic-search-functionality-e24b2ed24ffd 19:38:51 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: Here’s my blog post on OnWindowTransaction https://medium.com/transforming-digital/thinking-about-filemakers-onwindowtransaction-script-trigger-b80f1f72fe90 19:40:03 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Reacted to "Here’s my blog post ..." with 👍 19:40:41 From Beatrice Beaubien to FM Bug(direct message): I’ll do my best with showing my face at the next meeting 🙂 I tend to be somewhat shy, but I’ll gather the strength. I do know John Renfrew and Tony White, so I’m not an unknown quantity. I’ve been a FileMaker developer since the 1990’s and am a Claris Partner. 19:55:45 From nicolai to Everyone: Reacted to "Here’s my blog post ..." with 👍 19:59:01 From FM Bug to Beatrice Beaubien(direct message): No problem Beatrice. It’s great to have you here at all. Great credentials! I’ve been a developer since the late 90s and Ama Claris Partner too. I’m glad there are people you know. We’re a pretty friendly bunch here, with quite a few shy ones! 20:06:25 From FM Bug to Cris Ippolite(direct message): Many thanks for that presentation Cris - genuinely, you blow my mind every time in a good, inspirational way. I’m already mulling over where this sort of thing can be utilised. Thanks again for your time. Really like the experiment approach. 20:17:32 From Ian Collins to Everyone: Apologies everyone but I need to cry off early. Look forward to next meeting maybe in Brighton 😄 As always good stuff 20:20:34 From Phil Coates to Everyone: yes i do 20:21:48 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: When I was at Signal we used another provider. One that was chosen by our high st banking client. They were pretty shit, but our client had chosen them. That system was scaled to millions of messages per month. 20:23:07 From Sam H. to Everyone: If the client has 10 users, I have to set up 10 sendGrid accounts? Is there any way to manage them in an easier way? 20:26:21 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Replying to "If the client has 10..." Hi Sam, Have a look here for why they authenticate about the user account: https://www.twilio.com/docs/sendgrid/for-developers/sending-email/sender-identity 20:27:25 From Sam H. to Everyone: Replying to "If the client has 10..." Hi Gary, thank you for the information 20:27:30 From Sam H. to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi Sam, Have a look..." with 👍 20:27:36 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi Gary, thank you f..." with 👍 20:42:00 From Greg Zielinski to Everyone: Reacted to "Hi Sam, Have a look..." with 👍 21:02:53 From Greg Zielinski to Everyone: Replying to "If the client has 10..." For those afraid of playing with installation of new tools. The Installation of Otto 4 is a single line in terminal. The same line is being used to update it. Otto is simply a deployment game changer. 21:05:04 From Carl Henshall to Everyone: Got to go. Thanks everyone 21:05:39 From Greg Zielinski to Everyone: How about 100 GB in the deployment .. here 21:05:53 From Greg Zielinski to Everyone: It just works 21:18:01 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: It’s presumably supporting OpenAPI standard. So that doesn’t really require AI to integrate 21:18:21 From John Renfrew to Everyone: https://www.proofgeist.com/blog/2024/09/05/exploring-generative-ai-with-filemaker-and-having-a-blast/ 21:18:48 From John Renfrew to Everyone: @Ian Jempson yes 21:18:57 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: If you provide an example of dmxml snippet, any of the LLMs are pretty good about generating code 21:20:05 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: fmxml not dmxml 21:25:49 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: BaseElements and MBS plugins both provide functions to convert to/from the Filemaker xml formats 21:25:58 From John Renfrew to Everyone: Reacted to "BaseElements and MBS..." with 👍 21:26:00 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Reacted to "BaseElements and MBS..." with 👍 21:27:56 From Gary Palmer to FM Bug(direct message): I’m going to have to go at 9:30 21:29:45 From nicolai to Everyone: Thanks everyone. Sorry I have to go 21:30:04 From Sam H. to Everyone: Thanks everyone 21:41:14 From Phil Coates to Everyone: brilliant demo, gotta get some sleep - thanks again 21:54:46 From Beatrice Beaubien to Everyone: I have to go. Thanks for the presentations.