18:41:20 From Tony White to Everyone: Going under the hood with Claris engineering. -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_HFrZRW39g 18:42:13 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Good evening all - apologies for my rushed start… 18:42:27 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: it’s an excellent presentation from Claris 18:46:41 From Christian Schmitz to Everyone: Dotfmp 6 to 8 June 2024 18:48:42 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: yeah, I’ve been asked to present. though I’ll only do one talk this time - not two! 19:32:08 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Setting default fields: Mac: /Applications/FileMaker Pro 19/FileMaker Pro 19/Contents/Resources/en.lproj*/FMDefaultFields.xml Show package contents. Windows: C:/Program Files/FileMaker/FileMaker Pro 19/Extensions/English*/FMDefaultFields.xml Choose folder that matches your language prefs - eg “en.lproj” Copy xml file and past here: Mac: /Users/Shared/FileMaker/Shared/ Win: :\ProgramData\FileMaker\Shared\ Open this copy in a text editor. Customise nodes. Pro tip: create fields in new file, export XML, check relevant portion. Remove from your export if you created a file with the fields: subnode subnode Ensure “id=x” starts at 1 and has no gaps. subnode - Use “#_FMI_0 “ for utility fields that won’t automatically be added to a layout. 19:32:44 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Excellent blog by Mark Baum, Soliant, here: How to Customize Default Fields in FileMaker Pro 19 Another by Tim Cimbura, Luminfire: FileMaker 17 + Default Fields… Control Your Own Destiny - LuminFire Another by Jeremy Brown, Proof Geist here: Common Questions: FileMaker Default Fields | Proof+Geist 19:32:49 From Jul Carson to Everyone: https://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/filemaker-customizing-default-fields/ 19:33:11 From Jul Carson to Everyone: https://luminfire.com/2018/05/15/filemaker-17-default-fields-control-destiny/ 19:33:23 From Jul Carson to Everyone: https://www.proofgeist.com/blog/2018/07/02/common-questions-about-filemaker-17-default-fields 19:33:48 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Claris documentation here: https://community.claris.com/en/s/article/defaultfields-xml 19:34:19 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Interesting Community article here: https://community.claris.com/en/s/question/0D50H00006dsk3hSAA/default-fields-xml-generator 19:35:05 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Creating a template file Alex Zueiv: https://community.claris.com/en/s/question/0D53w00005OjSJpCAN/changing-default-theme 19:36:52 From Christian Schmitz to Everyone: The log script doesn't restore the layout? 19:38:19 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: Perform script by name can call those - but that’s why you log them 19:38:37 From Jul Carson to Everyone: I’m guessing there are a couple more steps not shown? 19:39:35 From Tony White to Everyone: Add Get LayoutName (and/or ID), get accountName to the logging process? 19:41:33 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: I do that kind of logging using a custom function that creates the log record via a SQL insert statement into the log table because it can capture every get function as an auto enter calc to show the status of everything 19:42:37 From Penny Ruddell to Everyone: Forever 😀 19:43:04 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Reacted to "I do that kind of lo..." with 👍 19:43:26 From Orlando - Data OPS to Everyone: One tip to make sure you get all referenced files, run your DDR multiple times, until the number of files stops increasing in the folder you save to 19:43:50 From Penny Ruddell to Everyone: Reacted to "One tip to make sure..." with 👍 19:45:21 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Reacted to "One tip to make sure..." with 👍 19:53:52 From Tony White to Everyone: http://nyfmp.org/2011/09/26/renaming-filemaker-code-objects-without-breaking-code/ 19:56:26 From Jul Carson to Everyone: https://www.claris.com/blog/2023/show-your-expertise-with-new-claris-certifications-available-now?utm_source=community&utm_medium=website&utm_content=certification 20:03:52 From Penny Ruddell to Everyone: https://www.claris.com/certification/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=www&utm_term=certification-lp 20:04:00 From Penny Ruddell to Everyone: 'We’re currently building a robust catalog of free certifications to reflect your experience level, specialty skills, and specific product knowledge.' Server administration User experience Security Data modeling 20:12:34 From Jul Carson to Everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRA_nJghavU 20:30:54 From Christian Schmitz to Everyone: Crash logs from Mac in /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports folder? 20:33:41 From Ian Collins to Everyone: On your studio do you only have one user account? 20:35:24 From Jul Carson to Everyone: @Christian - we’ve looked in as many logs as we can and can’t see anything in particular. 21:12:12 From Christian Schmitz to Everyone: Good night for today. See you at EngageU 21:12:32 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Thanks for your input Christian 21:12:43 From Tony White to Everyone: Reacted to "Thanks for your inpu..." with 👍 21:16:30 From Jul Carson to Gary Palmer(Direct Message): We’re well into Virtual Bar time… Shall we stop recording shortly ?\ 21:18:04 From Penny Ruddell to Everyone: Thank you all 21:27:25 From Tony White to Everyone: Gotta run…thanks for the show! 21:27:35 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Reacted to "Gotta run…thanks for..." with 👍 21:29:28 From Orlando - Data OPS to Everyone: Thanks all, I got to dash. Have a good night all 21:33:00 From Carl Bevis to Everyone: Goodnight all 21:38:23 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: hey everyone, I need to head off a bit early this time. Enjoyed it! 21:38:31 From Jul Carson to Everyone: Reacted to "hey everyone, I need..." with 👍 21:39:17 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: I’ll have a look into the Ansible/Lets Encrypt stuff for next time