18:30:43 From FM Bug to Beatrice Beaubien(direct message): Welcome to FMBug! 18:30:57 From Beatrice Beaubien to FM Bug(direct message): Thank you! 18:33:09 From FM Bug to Beatrice Beaubien(direct message): Feel free to join in the talking if you want to! 18:33:44 From Beatrice Beaubien to FM Bug(direct message): Thanks 🙂 I don’t want to interrupt John’s flow. 18:54:31 From FM Bug to James Welch(direct message): Hi James. Welcome 19:23:22 From FM Bug to Everyone: Links from the news: https://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/script-transactions-filemaker-claris-community-live/ https://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/filemaker-curl-option-aws-sigv4/ https://the.fmsoup.org/t/little-tidbits-from-the-filemaker-conference/4355 https://blog.beezwax.net/rome-filemaker-week-2024-ios-widgets-and-local-file-technique-beezwax-sponsor/ https://www.thecontextpodcast.com/97 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/json-with-guest-matt-navarre-of-navarre-training/id1671646469?i=1000671876202 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6751maw5cyzDnHc7wqM_vXQ_ldxX0XDE https://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/filemaker-single-pass-loop/ https://engageu.eu/ https://the.fmsoup.org/t/new-events-at-claris-events-website/4293 19:29:55 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): Lovely to have you here Kate! I hope that wasn’t to much of an abrupt “in at the deep end” moment. 19:30:20 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): No, it’s great to be here! I’m so happy you asked me. 19:30:55 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): A genuine pleasure. Are you OK for time? 19:31:31 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): Yes, all good! *** will be home from school soon, and **** is sick, so she may come in and bomb the background, we will see… 19:31:46 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): I look forward to that! 19:49:22 From James Welch to FM Bug(direct message): https://datatables.net 19:49:36 From James Welch to FM Bug(direct message): https://www.filemakermagazine.com/videos/datatables-deep-dive-replacing-portals-part-1 19:49:45 From James Welch to FM Bug(direct message): https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/how-to-implement-infinite-scrolling-with-javascript--cms-37055t 19:49:55 From James Welch to FM Bug(direct message): Thanks everyone! 20:24:24 From FM Bug to Doug Wallis (Claris)(direct message): Hi Doug. Good to see you. Thanks for coming along! 20:24:41 From Doug Wallis (Claris) to FM Bug(direct message): Hi Jul !! Thanks for having me !! 20:25:03 From FM Bug to Doug Wallis (Claris)(direct message): John about halfway through, then Kate, then you, if that’s ok. 20:25:46 From FM Bug to Doug Wallis (Claris)(direct message): Always a pleasure having you here!! 20:27:32 From Doug Wallis (Claris) to FM Bug(direct message): Reacted to "John about halfway t..." with 👍 20:32:42 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): We’re a few minutes behind. Are you alright to hang fire for ten minutes? 20:34:38 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): Yes, all good! 20:36:02 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): Thanks! Did you want to ask John about Devin 1.2 as a comparison? 20:36:31 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): Sure! 20:36:46 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): Thanks for reminding me 20:52:36 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): So sweet! Give her a hug from me! 20:53:10 From FM Bug to Tony White(direct message): Good to see you Tony! Kate is coming back soon - small child issue! 20:59:07 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): Thank you! Of course it was as soon as I started speaking that she started needing my attention! 20:59:23 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): Always the way! 21:04:27 From Tony White to Everyone: If you duplicate an existing priv set does it show the new checkbox? 21:07:34 From FM Bug to Everyone: Replying to "If you duplicate an ..." Interesting question 21:24:03 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): **** is having a meltdown, I’m so so sorry 21:24:09 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): I can’t believe this 21:24:36 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): can i do a redo next month? 21:24:50 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): That’s OK. Don’t worry Kate. We can bring it into next month. Really, it’s no issue. 21:24:59 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): Ok, thank you 21:25:56 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): It will be January but more than happy to have you then. I’ll get in touch later. Concentrate on **** They pick up so quickly on your attention being elsewhere! 21:26:05 From FM Bug to Kate(direct message): And don’t worry about it, please. 21:26:13 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): ok 21:26:16 From Kate to FM Bug(direct message): thank you 21:29:31 From Beverly Voth to Everyone: Thanks, all! Always good topics Jul! 21:31:35 From FM Bug to Everyone: Reacted to "Thanks, all! Always ..." with 👍 21:31:46 From Doug Wallis (Claris) to Everyone: https://www.meetup.com/fmdisc-filemaker-developers-in-southern-california/events/304381081/?eventOrigin=group_upcoming_events 21:34:17 From Chris Moyer to Everyone: FMDiSC access avail on meetup, through MailChimp list, and through groups.io list 21:34:58 From Akis Papadopoulos to Everyone: Thanks everyone, great presentations! I have to drop, bye 21:38:04 From Steve Abrahamson to Everyone: Reacted to "FMDiSC access avail ..." with 👍🏼 21:38:41 From Steve Abrahamson to Everyone: I’ve got to run - great meeting all! Hope to see you next time! 21:52:19 From John Renfrew to Everyone: Need to dive off, thanks all... 21:57:17 From Beatrice Beaubien to FM Bug(direct message): https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/recall/article/efficacy-of-different-presentation-modes-for-l2-video-comprehension-full-versus-partial-display-of-verbal-and-nonverbal-input/2F0479F52D67232CF84DF5048482F98D 22:10:40 From FM Bug to Beatrice Beaubien(direct message): Thanks Beatrice - I was distracted on another task, but I’m taking a quick look now 22:15:34 From Ian Jempson to FM Bug(direct message): I need to get going… Thanks for a great meeting 22:18:48 From FM Bug to Beatrice Beaubien(direct message): That looks interesting. I’m not sure that sample size gives enough statistical significance. It is also a linguistic based task (learning language). I have only glanced at the summary so far, but I wonder if a similar result would come from a visually based learning exercise like learning to drive? 22:22:41 From Beatrice Beaubien to FM Bug(direct message): I think the nature of the information to learn would determine the most effective delivery modalities (plural). When the FTS (version 15) was still around, the combination of reading and sample files were very effective for me.