Martin Bridges18:26 Evening all ———— Christian Schmitz18:27 Welcome. Looks like the usual suspects show up ———— You18:28 Indeed ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel18:30 Evening all:) ———— Benedick Miller18:31 Hi Thomas Ballantine Dykes! ———— You18:31 Welcome to the group Thomas ———— Thomas Ballantine Dykes18:32 Thank you all.Look forward to learning a lot ———— Tony White18:39 ———— Tony White18:40 ———— You18:40 Welcome to the group Adam! ———— Tony White18:41 ———— You18:42 We will put the links up on the FMBug site after the meeting. ———— Ian - Word's Out18:42 Hi Jul long time no see ———— Adam Passingham18:42 Thanks Jul! Hi All ———— Gary Palmer18:44 Hi all new commers Link to all silicon applications Gary Palmer18:45 Should you upgrade to FM 19.3.1 Some bugs to consider: ———— You18:45 Good evening @Egbert! Good evening @Red-IT! ———— Gary Palmer18:46 Performance of M1: Supported Barcode formats Post from Soliant: ———— Gary Palmer18:47 Custom Export Headers: ———— Gary Palmer18:48 FMSundae - The Claris Filemaker Learning Resource - All FM information in one easy to use file: ———— You18:53 Evening @Clive - good to see you! Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel18:54 brill, ———— Benedick Miller18:54 very, very useful ;-) ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel18:54 very happy bunny:) ———— You18:56 Jumping to the next found item is really, really useful. I have been finding the Execute and check syntax very useful ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel18:57 does this work on windows and Mac pls? ———— john r18:58 Developer Assistant works with fragments.... bu tthen you probably know that ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel18:59 still great, no problem ———— Robert Naud19:01 Sounds very useful if you want to preserve styled text as script parameter. ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel19:08 very helpful, thx ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel19:09 can u have zones on OCR image? ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel19:13 can our be restricted to zones on an image? OCR ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel19:16 great v useful. thx christian ———— Christian Schmitz19:16 I'll be at the bar later ———— Nicolai Kant19:16 Thanks, Christian ———— Christian Schmitz19:17 Watch videos about MBS here: JSON.Colorize ———— Christian Schmitz19:22 JS.AddFileMakerEvaluateFunction ———— Chris Moyer19:29 ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel19:45 v interesting blow up pls ———— Nicolai Kant19:48 Great presentation, thanks Damon. I have to go pick up my daughter, beer next time I see you ———— Adam Passingham20:00 I need to head off, but thank you to all the presenters today, interesting stuff! ———— You20:00 Thanks for joining Adam - hope you can majke the next one! ———— Adam Passingham20:00 For sure, keep me posted! ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel20:06 really impressive Damon, great demo ———— Stephen Dolenski20:07 It seems that card windows are essential to facilitate much of the FM scripted interaction. ———— Christian Schmitz20:07 Thanks Damon. Interesting. ———— Benedick Miller20:07 what about volume @? volume 2? ———— Christian Schmitz20:15 so you better start server at XX:00 exactly ———— Thomas Ballantine Dykes20:21 Have to log out. Many thanks for a very informative session Thomas ———— Gary Palmer20:22 Thanks Thomas ———— You20:22 Thanks for coming Thomas ———— Kirk Rheinlander20:24 Disk is cheap - no sense of NOT doing backups often. Do you recommend WORM to avoid potential ransomware? ———— Ian - Word's Out20:24 Where the ransom attacks on windows servers or Mac or both? ———— Kirk Rheinlander20:26 Triple8 Client, Some difficult news. On June 19, 2021 at about 2:00am PST, several of our servers were hit with RansomWare in our Los Angeles data center. ———— Christian Schmitz20:26 really? Details? ———— Kirk Rheinlander20:28 Backups were locked first, so even after paying the ransom, a lot of FM DBs were corrupted ———— Chris Moyer20:29 Triple8 only has Windows and Linux servers ———— Ian - Word's Out20:30 Interesting has anybody had a ransom attack on a Mac? ———— Chris Moyer20:30 Read somewhere that the initial point of attack was a a Windows domain controller or AD server. ———— Chris Moyer20:32 Have not seen a Mac OS ransomware attack, but they are possible. Patrick Wardle has a tool to help in that regard: ———— Kirk Rheinlander20:32 All my backups are on a different filesystem than FMS as ransomware typically encrypts at the filesystem level. ———— Christian Schmitz20:32 Oh, the hackers have no problem to also encrypt all mounted disks. ———— Kirk Rheinlander20:32 A couple clients use tape backups, which have no OS, and no access to historical data directly. ———— Christian Schmitz20:35 If you can, limit what software can overwrite or delete your backup software. Basically make them read only. ———— Kirk Rheinlander20:36 Could you not sync the snapshots externally on a short cycle time? ———— Ian - Word's Out20:43 I thought you can time machine to external drive and then also raid? ———— Benedick Miller20:43 Time machine yes - but these are snapshots ———— Ian - Word's Out20:44 so you cannot point the snapshot at an external drive? ———— Benedick Miller20:44 nope ———— Gary Palmer20:44 To be clear. TimeMachine backup is external. This is a local TM Backup. Apple will store local snapshots automatically when you run a normal TM backup. Wim is forcing the Local snapshot. ———— Ian - Word's Out20:45 Could you not just pickup those local snapshot and place elsewhere? ———— Gary Palmer20:46 The Snapshot is linked to the Drive it is on. ———— Ian - Word's Out20:46 interesting ———— Ian - Word's Out20:53 Gary what sort of size drives are you using? ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel20:54 really useful ———— Gary Palmer20:54 Our solution is in iScsi Raid. 60x drives 15k Sas ———— Ian - Word's Out20:55 Gary can you achieve what Wim is talking about with those drives? ———— Gary Palmer20:57 Yes if you calculate the ios on the disk that gives you and idea. A 60 drive Raid is fast enough. We could start to look at SSD Raid but it's the decision of budget/performance. Sorry iops not ios ———— Ian - Word's Out20:58 Thanks Gary and Wim very interesting ... :) ———— Stephen Dolenski20:58 Is there a link to the Mac snapshot shell script? ———— Heidi Porter21:01 From StephenD - relevant: ———— Sky Willmott21:01 In a catastrophic live server meltdown.. the biggest questions are ‘when was the last backup?’ , ‘how long will it take to put us back to how it was?’ and ‘how long until we can work as normal’… If the ‘how long until we can carry on business’ is first and foremost for most.. back-tracking and apologising to a small number of customer clients is much less loss of business ———— john r21:02 @gary >> Bucket level configuration for Object Lock allows you to automatically configure a Retention Mode and Retention Time in days, or years for new objects placed into a bucket. Wim is a star... thank you ———— Red IT Solutions Ltd Video Channel21:03 excellent demo wim ———— Heidi Porter21:03 It sounds like people "would" be interested in seeing (in different scenarios) what happens when FM Server is ransomwhered wared :-) ———— Gary Palmer21:03 @John, thanks ———— john r21:04 @heidi yes... so sorry I am not going to get over for this years pause. ———— You21:04 Recording stopped ———— THE FOLLOWING IS FROM THE VIRTUAL BAR CHAT ———— Robert Naud21:05 ———— Sky Willmott21:05 Thanks @wim :-) ———— You21:09 Thanks to everyone for participating in this meeting and in particular those kind enough to present. Please let Gary or me know, or use the website to let us know if there's anything you'd like to present or see in a future meeting. ———— Heidi Porter21:13 somebody being you SD :-) ———— Ian Jempson21:16 ———— Benedick Miller21:16 employees taking work ipad home and giving it to their kids to use...!!! ———— Christian Schmitz21:30 Good night for today. See you on the next conferences ———— Gary Palmer21:30 Thanks Christian. ———— Stephen Dolenski21:37 Thank's Everyone - Fantastic discussion! ———— Ian - Word's Out21:40 Wim are your Mac mini's gigabit ethernet or 10gb? ———— Jon Kenyon21:47 Sorry guys, gotta go now. Another great evening. Massive thanks to everyone. See you all next time... ———— Akis Papadopoulos21:50 again a great event, thanks you guys, have a nice evening, I have to drop ———— john r21:52 @gary you could do with doing a presentation on that for the group... ———— Ian - Word's Out21:54 Thanks everyone nice to see you all after so long. Catch you on the next one :) ———— Gary Palmer21:55 Thanks Ian ———— Damon Casey21:56 I have to call it a night. Great meeting everyone, an interesting and important discussion. ———— You21:57 Thanks Damon ———— Kirk Rheinlander22:05 need to run - thanks all ———— Ian Jempson22:07 i've got an early morning deployment of a web service so I'd better head off to bed to get some sleep. See you all next time ———— Jason Wood22:08 Hey Tony you could get one of these for your help tickets... ———— Chris Moyer22:08 Sobering Stat: ———— Tony White22:12 ———— Heidi Porter22:15 FMDisc schedule + 8 hours 10:00 am - 11:00 am Mike Duncan - AWS S3 11:00 am - 11:45 pm Bev Voth - Parsing JSON 11:45 am - 12:00 pm Breakout Rooms & Announcements 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm Alexi Folger - Portal Magic ———— Chris Moyer22:15 ———— Gary Palmer22:21 ———— Robert Naud22:35 (d) FileMaker Data API License. Page 2 and top of 3. ———— Chris Moyer22:42 I'm off. Great seeing everyone! ———— You23:24 FileMaker seems to appeal to many - fast to develop, easy to make user friendly, pretty stable, very versatile. Once customers have it in place, they seem reluctant to move away. They like to moan about the cost, but suck it up. ———— Tony White23:24