19:04:43 From Tony White to Everyone: https://shop.equalexchange.coop/ 19:05:29 From Chris Moyer to Everyone: https://www.lechocolat-alainducasse.com/en/ 19:10:00 From FM Bug to Everyone: Hi all. Apologies for the late arrival (family matters) and thanks to Gary for getting us going! 19:39:16 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: FileMaker News - FMBug Jan 2025 FileMaker 2024 update 21.1 ● New Features - https://www.claris.com/filemaker/whats-new/ ● Knowledge Base - Release Notes - https://help.claris.com/en/pro-release-notes/content/index.html/ ● Technical Specifications - https://support.claris.com/s/answerview?anum=000041422&language=en_US 19:39:39 From heidi to Everyone: I’m not sure if I heard Wim wrong, but there are several LLM APIss that are not directly OpenAI compatible (have to use some toolset convert )…for example, Anthropic Claude 19:40:11 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Article roundup ● Soliant Consulting - Claris FileMaker 2024 Platform Version 21.1 – Executive Summary - https://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/claris-filemaker-2024-platform-version-21-1-executive-summary/ ● dbservices - ○ Claris FileMaker Pro 21.1 Overview - https://dbservices.com/blog/claris-filemaker-pro-21-1-overview/ ○ Claris FileMaker Server 21.1 Overview - https://dbservices.com/blog/claris-filemaker-server-21-1-overview/ ● Proof+Geist - Discussions on Transactions in FileMaker 21.1 Update - https://www.proofgeist.com/blog/2024/11/08/discussions-on-transactions-in-filemaker-21-1-update/ 19:40:14 From heidi to Everyone: (I heard him say that most things are OpenAI compatible) 19:41:19 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: ● Claris Engineering Blog- ○ Open Quickly in FileMaker Pro 21.1: More useful, more developer control - https://support.claris.com/s/answerview?anum=000045056&language=en_US/ ○ Working with layout calculations - https://support.claris.com/s/answerview?anum=000039241&language=en_US/ ○ HTTPS tunneling everywhere in FileMaker 21.1 - https://support.claris.com/s/answerview?anum=000045153&language=en_US/ 19:42:17 From heidi to Everyone: and make sure to do pm2 save and pm2 startup to make processes restore/restart on reboot 19:43:25 From Beverly Voth to Gary Palmer (direct message): Posting the links in chat are not allowed to be "saved". Will these be emailed out to attendees later? I suggest that chat be enabled to be saved. 🙂 19:45:58 From Gary Palmer to Beverly Voth (direct message): We will have a look going forward to allow that. The chat is posted on the FMBUG.uk.org site after the event. 19:46:29 From Gary Palmer to Everyone: Hi All, the chat will be shared and posted on the FMBUG.uk.org site after the event. 19:53:17 From heidi to Everyone: LM Studio you need to have an M-series machine 19:53:32 From heidi to Everyone: ollama can run on Intel (just slow) 19:58:55 From Tony White to Everyone: Is it true that choosing the LLM that matches the characteristics of your data set and budget is part science and part art? How many LLMs are there? 20:00:33 From Tony White to Everyone: The embedding example that you showed looked like a large collection of numbers which perhaps represent the Vectors and Dimensions associated with each cell of data (Record_Field) Would it be reasonable to think that a search against embeddings would involve translating the search input into an embedding and then programmatically comparing it with the embeddings to be able to return a ranked set of results using some sort of n dimension vector math to do the comparison? 20:00:37 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: There’s a load of different LLMs. Hundreds of thousands at this point, though most are fine tuned versions of a relatively small number of models that serve as the basis for the fine tuning. Choosing the right one can be an effort 20:01:16 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: FileMaker performs the semantic search and returns the results in sorted order. Closest match first 20:17:13 From heidi to Everyone: You can also chunk the diff. parts… 20:18:38 From Tony White to Everyone: Thanks Wim for the show…and the Field and Table Occurrence _suffixes!! :-) (TO: _ac, {_}d, etc.; Field: _gt, etc.) 20:23:25 From heidi to Everyone: if you were talking to a different embedding database.. 20:23:29 From heidi to Everyone: exactly 20:26:58 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: My links: 20:26:59 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeDg0vyaDGo 20:27:06 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1 20:27:12 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/ 20:27:19 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://expressjs.com/ 20:27:27 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/how-to-deploy-microservice/ 20:27:34 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://lmstudio.ai/ 20:27:40 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://ollama.com/ 20:27:46 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: https://jan.ai/ 20:29:37 From Gary Palmer to FM Bug (direct message): Need to step away from presentation for 20 mins. Back at about 9pm 20:30:15 From FM Bug to Gary Palmer (direct message): Replying to "Need to step away from presentation for 20 mins. ...": Sure. I’ll cover 20:32:40 From Cris Ippolite to Everyone: https://www.anthropic.com/news/model-context-protocol 20:47:20 From Gary Palmer to FM Bug (direct message): Replying to "Need to step away from presentation for 20 mins. ...": I’m back 20:51:05 From Sam H. to Everyone: Could LLM call a script with name like A B C or aBc. Is there any restriction for the naming convention? 20:54:08 From heidi to Everyone: it’s api calls all the way 20:56:32 From heidi to Everyone: there’s a continuum of agent capability 20:56:36 From heidi to Everyone: or definition 20:57:36 From heidi to Everyone: where is Ian’s MCP post (had only read the anthropic posts) 20:57:43 From heidi to Everyone: ok 20:57:44 From heidi to Everyone: thx 20:59:03 From John Renfrew to Everyone: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ianjempson_claris-filemaker-activity-7275856300142387200-b_sb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop 21:05:10 From Cris Ippolite to Everyone: https://www.crewai.com 21:06:02 From heidi to Everyone: This has the intro and their framework terms: https://docs.crewai.com/introduction 21:06:52 From heidi to Everyone: There IS a free tier on the low-code part where you can deploy 1 crew and see it work…but you can setup up your own … 21:07:04 From heidi to Everyone: in your IDE 21:08:09 From heidi to Everyone: (you can also download many diff. templates’ code and work from there) 21:18:08 From heidi to Everyone: +13 everything Cris is saying 21:23:50 From heidi to Everyone: It’s both onboarding new but also more efficiency for existing dev... 21:32:15 From Tony White to Everyone: Thanks all 21:32:28 From Sam H. to Everyone: Thanks all 21:41:24 From Tony White to Everyone: Everyone be happy! 21:43:53 From heidi to Everyone: Gary is this part of the chat posted? 21:43:57 From heidi to Everyone: just want to check 21:44:01 From heidi to Everyone: i think not 21:44:08 From heidi to Everyone: @Gary Palmer 21:45:16 From Ormond, Josh to Everyone: You WILL get external validation. Customers will validate it by buying into Claris, or into something else. 21:53:21 From Tony White to Everyone: A change log is marketing too! 21:54:10 From Ian Jempson to Everyone: Hey folks - really enjoyed it but I need to get going. See you all later 21:57:07 From Ormond, Josh to Everyone: There is definitely a disconnect between Peter, Giuliano, and Lucy. 21:57:19 From Josh Ormond to Everyone: Remember that this chat will be saved/posted 21:57:51 From Josh Ormond to Everyone: unless they delete out the post-recording part @Gary Palmer that would be good :-) 21:58:02 From Ormond, Josh to Everyone: Changing my name to 'heidi'. 21:58:06 From FM Bug to Everyone: Let Gary or me know if you want a comment redacted though and we’ll do that before we publish it. 21:58:06 From Josh Ormond to Everyone: lol 21:58:21 From Josh Ormond to Everyone: good idea 21:58:26 From Robert Nono to Everyone: lol 21:58:58 From Josh Ormond to Everyone: someone will be so confused on my next mtg 21:59:04 From Robert Nono to Everyone: So confused 21:59:15 From Josh Ormond to Everyone: we are all agents 21:59:57 From Robert Nono to Everyone: Secret Agent Woman. 22:01:44 From Robert Naud to Everyone: Hi see you Josh, you can stop attempting to impersonate me. 22:02:44 From FM Bug to Everyone: Josheidi - like it! 22:03:43 From The Real Josh Ormond to Everyone: I think there is already too much mystery around whether I actually exist already. LOL 22:04:03 From JoshingHeidi to Everyone: bot 22:04:13 From FM Bug to Everyone: Replying to "Josheidi - like it!": JoshingHeidi - even better lol 22:05:22 From The Real Josh Ormond to Everyone: People that meet me at DevCon/Engage, are surprised when they meet me: "Wow. I'm so sorry. You are so much nicer in person than I expected you to be." 22:05:35 From FM Bug to Everyone: Replying to "Josheidi - like it!": Can someone please rename themselves The Fake Josh Ormond? 22:06:50 From FM Bug to Everyone: Replying to "Josheidi - like it!": Thank you Faking Joshing! 22:09:57 From JoshingHeidi to Everyone: yes agree, they should be able to separate out noise/signal…many ways to do this. 22:11:40 From Tony White to Everyone: https://www.soliantconsulting.com/blog/filemaker-pro-pop-up-pickers/ Soliant Picture Perfect FileMaker Pro Pop-Up Pickers Download our example file, demonstrating how to create a pop-up window in FileMaker Pro and how to create a pick list within a pop-up window. Written by Scott Love Est. reading time 1 minute Feb 2nd, 2009 22:18:02 From Tony White to Everyone: It’s all 1s and 0s! how hard could it be ;-) 22:18:25 From Faking Joshing to Everyone: Replying to "It’s all 1s and 0s! how hard could it be ;-)": You have 0's? LOL 22:20:43 From John Renfrew to Everyone: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cge93de21n0o 22:21:12 From John Renfrew to Everyone: Apple modifying its AI news gathering after BBC complaint... 22:22:44 From John Renfrew to Everyone: I need to shoot now, thank all for a very stimulating evening... 22:23:28 From Chris Moyer to Everyone: Here’s an air table origin story that I used to hear about FileMaker. Now I hear them about the cloud-based low code platforms like air table, bubble, etc.: https://www.reddit.com/r/Airtable/comments/1hulp5d/moving_beyond_airtable/ 22:23:54 From Chris Moyer to Everyone: In other words, I don’t hear too many ‘delightful discovery’ stories about FileMaker these days. 22:28:49 From Tony White to Everyone: Projects lead to success stories that lead to more projects and jobs for {new} devs…which lead to new projects, which… 22:30:36 From Kate to Everyone: I have to hop off now, thanks for the great candid conversation, everyone. And thanks for including me! 22:32:16 From Cris Ippolite to Everyone: Thank you all for listening to my rants, ui really enjoyed this conversation but have a 2:30 to jump to…looking fwd to the next chat 22:32:28 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: Thanks, Cris! 22:32:32 From Wim Decorte to Everyone: Great conversation 22:35:04 From Fabio Bosisio to Everyone: Thanks everyone. 22:35:23 From Tony White to Everyone: 20% green field projects 80% pre-existing systems 22:40:38 From JoshingHeidi to Everyone: Should not be selling AI either, just like not selling FileMaker..just solution to problems 22:57:15 From JoshingHeidi to Everyone: raising hand 23:04:27 From The Real Josh Ormond to Everyone: Sorry. Robert Nono was causing me issues. 23:19:28 From Tony White to Everyone: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thelucy/ 23:22:57 From The Real Josh Ormond to Everyone: We should have a battle between Beet Lord ads vs Man-bun ads.